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EMDAO is perfectly able to provide quality services in the following areas

Women Empowerment

The autonomy of women and the improvement of their social, health, education, economic and, political status is a highly important. EMDAO Management assumed Women empowerment in five areas will be our goals: “women's sense of self-worth; their right to have and to determine choices; their right to have access to opportunities and resources; their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home; and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order.

Raising Public Awareness

Raising public awareness is the most important factor for the users to understand, analyze, adopt and practice the message with the aim of initiating, developing, participating and sustaining effective intervention. Raising public awareness ensures community support for interventions to develop Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and improving local family livelihood. Raising public awareness is a stimulating factor for Developing Value Chain and exploring market opportunities for local products.

A concrete help for a better and kind world

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Capacity Building

EMDAO committed to increase the ability of individuals, groups, organizations, institutions and societies to develop increase their abilities to: Perform core functions, solve problems, define and achieve objectives, on their relevant sector.

Emergency Response

EMDAO is there to help Afghan community whether they are suffering from worse economic crisis, Earth quick or recently have been hit by heavy rains, resulting in flash floods and landslides that have caused casualties, displaced huge communities and damaged at large numbers houses.


Children, Youth and Adult have a right to quality education during and after emergencies and post-conflict. Access to education is a fundamental tool for child protection. Education inherently provides physical, psychological and cognitive protection to community children.

Basic Health Facilities

EMDAO medical staff finding indicates that, nearly half of the Afghan population is denied of basic primary health care. It is considered one of the most deprived countries having access to health facilities. The health status of women and children is particularly low in rural area, and about half of the children aged 12-18 months are not fully immunized. Access to other basic services, such as safe water and sanitation is still patchy, and this together with poor nutritional status is think a major cause of illness of poor household, low productivity and poverty.

Agriculture and Environmental Protection

EMDAO experts acknowledged that agriculture is the main source of income for the majority of Afghans; hence, Agriculture Sector provides livelihoods to more than 80 % Afghan population where the average land holding is 1/5 th of a hectare. The Afghan economy cannot be improved and stabilized till the agriculture is transformed from subsistence to commercial status. EMDAO recognizes the disproportionate impact climate change has on Communities and will always be stand, commited for clean and smoking free environment.

Sustainable Employment and Income Generation Programme

EMDAO has been working for upliftment’s of the communities through its Income generation/ sustainable employment Program by imparting unemployed with skills and capacities to have better quality of life through access to better livelihood opportunities. We have been focusing on developing the vocational skills and abilities through coordination of vocational trainings and literacy programs while, keeping in mind the market demands. The programs have proofed to be sustainable to great extent. After successfully completing the vocational training Programs each individual is provided with small grants to enable them to buy the equipment needed to start his/her small scale business or income generating activity.

Researches & Studies

Latest, accurate and valid information collected from societies living in well-defined geographical areas are essential and imperative for:

1) Establishing baseline data which describes preliminary situation in that specific areas before any interference takes place;

2) Initiating solid interventions as driving factors of positives changes expected in the areas; and

3) Gauging up the effects and impacts of interventions after implementation and the target
beneficiaries use the outputs during evaluation. Hereby, EMDAO outlines some
interconnected activities for researches and studies:

  • Defining the scope of researches studies
  • Preparing terms of reference for the researches & studies to decide on what to be done
  • Preparing data collection tools by proper designing, field testing, adopting & finalizing
  • Recruit, training, field testing and placing the researches and study teams
  • Collecting, compiling and analyzing and presenting the data
  • Finalizing/submitting research and study reports
  • Supporting any initiatives using the data during formulation
  • Keeping the data as the baseline for future use.